Acupuncture is a popular natural fertility treatment to support conception. It can be used as an alternative method to more costly treatments like IVF or used alongside them. It can also be used as a way to improve conception in the early stages of parents wanting to have a baby, or integrated into a holistic health treatment plan combining herbal medicine, nutritional counselling and even bodywork techniques.
In short, there’s no specific time that acupuncture should be used to improve fertility, but we discuss this topic in a little more detail to help you decide when it might benefit your own pregnancy plan.
When Should Fertility Acupuncture Take Place?
As mentioned, acupuncture can be used at many different stages of the fertility process. However, many couples will choose it after they have failed to conceive for a significant period of time, such as 12 months.
At this point, they may have already consulted with doctors about the possibility of IVF and may even have started a treatment plan already. As acupuncture has a positive impact on blood flow, it is believed that it may increase responsiveness to other treatment methods like IVF and the implantation of embryos.
Equally, some couples may choose acupuncture instead of IVF, or before it. This might be because of the associated costs of IVF or a personal inclination not to use it.
There are an increasing number of people who have already encountered acupuncture in their lives, whether they use it as part of a more holistic health plan or to solve a specific ailment or issue. This group, who are already familiar with how it works and its potential benefits for the body and mind, may opt to try acupuncture in the very early stages of trying to conceive, before they actually encounter any issues.
As well as being able to regulate reproductive hormones and improve blood flow to the uterus and the ovaries, this treatment can help to calm the nervous system, reduce stress and alleviate anxiety, which is appealing to many individuals who are about to embark on a unique and challenging time for the body and mind.
In this sense, it might be part of your process to “prepare” for what’s to come in addition to improving your chances of conceiving.
Acupuncture Treatment Sessions for Fertility
We believe that acupuncture helps follicles develop well so that they can better nourish a maturing egg during ovulation. Therefore, 3-4 months is a reasonable treatment period for fertility. However, as mentioned, the reasons you are taking acupuncture might differ depending on your circumstance, and this might influence the sessions you have.
Your personal life might also dictate that you can’t have weekly sessions and must come in more irregularly for treatment. This will also influence how long you can expect your treatment place to last for. If you’re thinking of using acupuncture for fertility, the best thing to do is get in touch with us at Acubody so we can help you create a plan that suits your situation and needs. We offer London fertility acupuncture as well as a range of treatments that might support your journey to parenthood.