Acupuncture and bodywork therapies are alternative ways to treat ailments that mainstream medicine has been unable to treat. In the UK alone, it’s estimated that 15 million people suffer from long-term conditions that have no cure. A large part of the medical system in the West targets symptoms rather than underlying problems. Conversely, traditional and modern applications of ancient knowledge approach such conditions from a more holistic perspective.
Myofascial release is one such method that is used in combination with other therapies to target long term conditions, such as:
- Chronic pain
- Circulatory conditions
- Sports or muscular injury
- Anxiety-related issues
This article will briefly explain how Myofascial therapy works and the techniques used to bring out these benefits.
What is Myofascial?
Myofascial release is a physical therapy used to target muscle tissues. It aims explicitly at pain points to release tension and stimulate tissue regeneration.
It acts on the fascial layer that contains the connective tissues between the muscles and the skin. Research shows manipulation of the fascial layer can promote endorphin release. This helps to counteract pain and relieve stress.
A qualified therapist will conduct myofascial release during a massage session. They will gently stretch the areas of rigidity or tightness by applying light pressure on the targeted area.
Techniques of Myofascial release
There are usually four steps used in Myofascial techniques:
- Practitioners will begin by lightly examining the body to identify areas of tension.
- A longitudinal gliding motion will be applied across the length of the muscle group. To begin with, the fascial tissue will just be stretched in one direction.
- The practitioner will then begin to passively compress and release areas of the muscles.
- Next, practitioners will actively stretch and manipulate the tissue to achieve the fullest range of motion. They will continue this step until there is no longer any resistance from the tissue.
Although one area may be initially targeted, it is designed with a broad scope to capture the network of muscles that can trigger tension in the body. Thus releasing muscle pain as a whole.
Why choose Acubody?
If you’re interested in learning more about how myofascial release can help your condition, visit Acubody today. We far more specialise in complex conditions, cases who have previously tried other approaches and not found enough help. We take a holistic approach to finding the hidden causes of illness. Aligning mind and body for health and well-being.