We’ve seen the demand for acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine grow in recent years. As we as a society put more focus on our health and the strength of our immune systems, as well as our emotional wellbeing, it’s likely that treatments like acupuncture could play a role in the post-quarantine health plan of many people.
While the use of acupuncture as a method to treat the long-term symptoms of viruses like COVID-19 are not documented, its ability to offer several protective and restorative benefits for the body might become more fully realised.
Once someone has recovered from the virus, it may be possible for us to develop a tailored plan to help the immune system recover and organ systems return to normal function. Also, those who have suffered significant anxiety and stress because of the way the pandemic has changed our lives may be able to benefit from treatment.
Below are some areas we’d be happy to discuss as part of your health and treatment plan at Acubody, in the next few months or at any time you think it could be useful for you.
Enhance Your Immune System
A vaccine doesn’t solve all our problems. Staying healthy still relies on us having a good immune system to fight off viruses and prevent ourselves from getting ill.
Even with the COVID-19 virus aside, having a cold, cough or sniffles is even more undesirable today due to how people consciously or unconsciously behave around people who they believe to be ill.
Ultimately, preventing illnesses in the first place, virus or otherwise, is the best way for our lives to follow normal patterns, undisrupted by sickness.
Recovering from COVID-19 and Other Illnesses
Some suffer for a long period of time after they’ve had a virus and there is increasing talk about post-viral fatigue and “long-Covid”. Some people may have also suffered from the long-term repercussions of multiple viruses and will be struggling to rebuild their health and immune system.
Equally, if you have another condition or illness and have avoided going to the doctors for several months due to clinics being booked up, or the fear of catching (or spreading) the virus, you may have developed more severe symptoms due to a lack of treatment. This could include chronic back or joint pain, for example.
Whether it’s acupuncture or traditional Chinese medicine practices like herbal medicine that focus on improving digestion and boosting the immune system, we may be able to help you concentrate on getting your body back to full health in the wake of any lingering or long-term illnesses you’ve suffered from throughout 2020.
We offer multiple treatments and health programs for our clients, including massage and structural bodywork techniques, as well as Pilates and postural and awareness exercises that could offer you a more complete system of care as you seek self improvement this year.
Reducing Stress and Anxiety
The emotional trauma of this pandemic has been severe. Even those who appear “strong” and “happy” may have suffered from a significant toll on their emotional health.
Long-term stress, as well as being bad in its own right, can also make our bodies more vulnerable to viruses and illnesses.
Learn More
If you are looking for acupuncture for anxiety in London, or want to consider how treatment can be used to boost your immune system and restore balance to your body, get in touch and we’ll be happy to discuss a treatment plan based on your specific needs.