Feel Younger, Master Your Aches & Pains, Unlock Your Mobility, And Boost Your Energy Levels

Find Balance
A qigong coaching program to gain control of your own health, vitality and wellbeing.
You can take opportunity to make sense of your injury history and health issues. Learn how to manage and move beyond aches pains and stiffness, and get back your physical freedom and vitality.
What to do to feel 10 years younger and enjoy life to its fullest
How to master your aches & pains, banish stiffness and move freely
Boost your energy and unlock new mobility and access hidden strength
Deepen your existing practice and access new levels of body awareness and the enjoyment that comes with it
Learn techniques you can apply in as little as 15 mins a day to transform how you feel, right there, through your day, and for the rest of your life!
Spending more time will reap the benefits faster, but you CAN make a significant difference in your experience with this small amount of time, if you are consistent
Why Do We Start To Lose Mobility And Energy As We Get Older?
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What The Full Embodiment Centred Qigong Mentorship Includes:
Personalised Mentoring
A full assessment of your goals and history, leading to personalised online qigong mentoring and embodiment rehabilitation plan of moves to unwind your individual problems,
1:1 Assessment and mentoring sessions to determine the path that is right for you, meets your needs and goals and continues to do so as you progress through the core 100 day program.
Opportunities for feedback to resolve training problems that come up for you, and a roadmap to navigate your way through them.
Qigong Coaching Online
Qigong Fundamental principles and key theory necessary for the correct performance of the exercises, so you can get the maximum benefits fast.
Mentoring through the Primal 5 Animal set. This Daoyin Qigong system not only balances the health by activating all the major channel systems, but also has within it the variety to move the body in all directions.
I have a method, which is a form of dao yin, called the ‘5 Animal Play’ … if one has an illness (then I prescribe) the relevant play to dissipate it …’
Hua Tuo
Long term access to the Online Qigong Program of exercises and lessons for your reference and convenience. You can access guided practice on your terms at the times that suit you.
How to troubleshoot your flare ups and old injuries to get ‘back on the mat’ and start enjoying your favourite activities and sports again!
Move and regulate the flow of your qi and blood to come into optimal health, boost your energy and move towards ease and comfort in your body.
Neuromuscular Rehabilitation & Somatic Coaching

Neuromuscular rehabilitation; exercises to help you resolve aches and pains, and find a way past your injury history. Move forward towards ease, mobility and more enjoyment in your body. Using a system developed by a top sports physio, proven successful for hundreds of physiotherapist’s, osteopaths, sports therapists and trainers- We have the methods to figure out the hidden causes and drivers of your pain and discomfort, and to resolve them.
If you keep walking the same path,
Lao Tzu
you’ll get to where you’re headed
Somatic awareness training to increase body awareness, retrain the nervous system, find relaxation and restore natural movement. A system of simple gentle move to help you find connection with your body again.Training in breathing techniques you can use to boost your energy, release tension, improve mobility and stay calm.
Breath work can be an incredibly powerful tool to master your health, control relaxation and increase your energy levels. It is an integral part of Qigong practice, as well as Yoga, Pilates, Feldenkrais and any other mind-body movement system you care to think about.
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Acubody Qigong Coaching Online Program: Bonus Features
How to build a regular practice, and stick to it: Training in habit based learning, support and accountability so you can get the most benefit from the system.
How to find your calm and manage stress, boost your mood and find your centre again.
Coaching through any setbacks, obstacles and issues that may arise for you
Time management. How maximise your experience, clarify your priorities and make the most of the time you have to transform yourself.
Self help principles using acupressure, auto-massage and basic Chinese medicine theory. Qigong daoyin exersizes have been used in east Asia for probably over 2000 years to increase functional longevity. The amount of time you are able to stay active and able as you age.