The LU 7 acupuncture point is a strong weapon in the fight against early sniffles and sore throats that accompany seasonal changes. Called Lieque, LU 7 is a very important Lung Meridian point that can boost immunity and maintain respiration. It is situated above the wrist on the forearm, and its primary role is to reduce congestion in the nose, as well as coughing and body aches, thus serving to prevent and manage the common cold and flu.
How does the LU 7 acupuncture point work?
LU 7 is famed for treating wind-cold and wind-heat, two types of pathogens responsible for cases of common colds and influenza in TCM. It facilitates the running of Qi to strengthen the bodily defensive energy or Wei Qi.
At the same time, the balancing effect at the mind level and psychological levels, LU 7 relieves stress, further weakening the body’s immunological status.
What are the advantages of stimulating the LU 7 acupuncture point?
- Relieves nasal congestion: Unblocks blocked sinuses and makes breathing easier.
- Reduces cough and sore throat: Helps to calm an irritated throat and to suppress coughing.
- Strengthens immunity: Boosts the body’s resistance to common infections.
- Eases headaches and stiff neck: Relieves headaches often associated with colds.
- Balances emotional stress: Relieves anxiety, thereby enhancing general well-being.
How can Acubody help?
At Acubody, we combine TCM wisdom with modern therapy methods to help you become immune-friendly. Our talented, experienced acupuncturists can properly stimulate the LU 7 acupuncture point, alongside other important points on you, so that their attention is personalised to address individual needs.
Whether you are battling the early signs of a cold or seeking preventative care, our customised acupuncture sessions can keep you resilient throughout the flu season.
Are you ready to strengthen your immunity?
Let not the cold and flu season stand in your way of achieving great things. After all, winter is an amazing time when you can plan long holidays or plan to attend several Christmas parties for socialising or networking.
Contact Acubody to book a session with us and experience the holistic benefits of targeted acupuncture therapy. We offer a free call to talk about your issue if you like.
Get in touch to book an appointment and embark on the natural path of achieving better health!