Some people choose to be treated with acupuncture as part of their strategy to resolve fertility issues. Often, it is chosen as a complementary approach alongside IVF.
Acupuncture is believed to have a restorative effect on the body and is recognised by the NHS and other health organizations as a viable treatment plan for certain conditions. And when done properly, acupuncture has few side effects and risks.
This, together with the belief that acupuncture can help to rebalance hormones and stimulate the body’s ability to conceive, have made acupuncture an increasingly popular option for parents looking to increase their chances of pregnancy today.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture originated as an ancient Chinese medicine treatment that relies on the placement of hair-sized needles into certain parts of the body from head to toe. This is designed to stimulate certain key “energy points” believed to regulate spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical balance through the flow of ‘qi’.
When Should Fertility Acupuncture Take Place?
Acupuncture can be used at any stage of the fertility process, but most couples choose it as a treatment after they have failed to conceive for over 1 year and have already started an IVF treatment plan.
However, some will choose acupuncture even before pregnancy issues have been identified to improve their general wellbeing and chances of fertility.
Most practitioners believe that acupuncture can be useful at very early stages of conception as it helps to calm the nervous system, reduce stress and alleviate anxiety. Others will trial acupuncture as a method while they are deciding about whether to go with more expensive treatments like IVF, which can be incredibly costly in some parts of the UK today.
How Often Should I Receive Acupuncture Treatment for Fertility?
Studies have been somewhat inconclusive about the necessary amount of treatments needed to have an effect on fertility with acupuncture, however, treatments for other health issues can range from 6 to 12 sessions.
We believe that acupuncture helps follicles develop well so that they can better nourish a maturing egg during ovulation. As such, 3-4 months is a reasonable treatment period to expect, but sessions do not necessarily have to be weekly.
The best thing for you to do when planning a fertility treatment plan is to consult a practitioner to help advise you on the best course for your needs.
After establishing an initial connection with a centre like our own at Acubody, your practitioner should be able to guide you in creating a treatment plan that works for your needs, budget and time constraints.
How Can Acupuncture Help Fertility?
It is believed that acupuncture can help get the body ready for conception in a few different ways. This includes regulating reproductive hormones and improving blood flow to the uterus and the ovaries.
Enhanced blood flow may also increase responsiveness to other treatment methods like IVF and the implantation of embryos. Many also believe that acupuncture’s effect on someone’s overall wellbeing and health could help improve fertility.
For example, research suggests that it can have a positive effect on anxiety and depression, and alleviating these issues may make it easier for women to conceive. And if nothing else, acupuncture may be able to help individuals cope with the psychological stress of not being able to get pregnant.
Want to Learn More?
Around 1 in 7 couples may have difficulty conceiving according to the NHS. And people can have many different kinds of experiences when conceiving.
Fertility is a sensitive issue for many couples and we’re well aware you might need more information about acupuncture and how it can work for you before committing to a treatment plan. To learn more, get in touch with us at Acubody and we’ll be happy to explore your options for fertility acupuncture in London.