How Does Fertility Acupuncture Work?

Some people choose to be treated with acupuncture as part of their strategy to resolve fertility issues. Often, it is chosen as a complementary approach alongside IVF.

Acupuncture is believed to have a restorative effect on the body and is recognised by the NHS and other health organizations as a viable treatment plan for certain conditions. And when done properly, acupuncture has few side effects and risks.

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Chinese Acupuncture vs. Western Acupuncture – What’s the Difference?

Acupuncture is used for a range of health problems, including chronic back pain, headaches and migraines. While it is used as a treatment method in Western medicine and is recognised by organisations such as the NHS, it has roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

In the world of acupuncture, you’ll likely find practitioners who prescribe to either of the two fields: Western (or ‘medical’) acupuncture or traditional Chinese acupuncture. So what’s the difference between these two versions?

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Understanding Myofascial Release and Its Effect on the Body

Myofascial release (MFR) is now a specialist treatment used by physical therapists throughout the UK for handling injury prevention, pain reduction, muscle strengthening and flexibility improvement in patients. It has also been suggested as a way to improve posture and athletic performance.

Differing from the kind of ‘massage therapy’ that many people confuse Myofascial release with, this therapeutic treatment uses different tools and techniques to achieve its results. This includes identifying trigger points, movement therapies and applying pressure to connective tissue.

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Myofascial Release: What It Is and Why It’s Important


Many are unaware of what myofascial release is, despite the many benefits it can have on an individual’s health, mobility and quality of life.

In this post, we explore what this unique kind of physical therapy is — often used to treat muscle tightness and sensitivity as well as chronic pain and structural imbalances— and whether it would benefit you as part of your health and treatment plan with Acubody.

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Acubody Tips for Treating Youth Sports Injuries

sports injury clinic in London

Injuries among youths and children make up a large proportion of yearly cases of sports-related injuries in the UK. Whether it’s school sports activities or local under-18s sports leagues for football, rugby, hockey or netball, millions of young patients visit clinics and hospitals each year due to an acute or chronic sports injury.

What Does Acute Sports Injury Mean?

There are generally two main types of sports injury: acute and chronic. An acute sports injury is the result of a specific fall, hit, collision, or other kinds of sports trauma.

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5 Acupuncture Myths Debunked

Acupuncture is an old tradition that’s been used for over 2,500 years and is practiced around the world. However, many do not understand the technique and have misconceptions that keep them from trying acupuncture as a way to relieve their stress, pain or tension. If you’re worried about what the practice entails or you have heard disputes about its effectiveness, read on. We’ve debunked five of the most common myths surrounding Chinese acupuncture.

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