TCM, or Traditional Chinese Medicine, identifies the acupuncture point known as HT 6, or Yinxi, as being key in controlling symptoms that may have arisen from Heart Yin deficiency.
Read moreTCM, or Traditional Chinese Medicine, identifies the acupuncture point known as HT 6, or Yinxi, as being key in controlling symptoms that may have arisen from Heart Yin deficiency.
Read moreThe KD 6 acupuncture point, also known as Zhaohai is located approximately 1 cun (a traditional Chinese unit of measurement). In TCM, this point is part of the Kidney meridian and has long been associated with addressing problems of fatigue, improving sleep quality, and supporting overall health.
Read moreAround 80% of women experience period pain at some stage in their lifetime. You can suffer from period pain from your early teens right up to the menopause. Most women experience some discomfort during menstruation, especially on the first day. But in 5% to 10% of women the pain is severe enough to disrupt their life. Irregular periods impact every aspect of a woman’s life, from planning activities and chores to their overall mental and emotional well-being.
Read moreLI 11, also known as Quchi, is a crucial acupuncture point located on the elbow crease. This point is stimulated to treat a variety of conditions related to the digestive system and the upper body. At Acubody, we work with experienced acupuncturists who are adept at helping individuals manage difficult health conditions and improve their overall well-being. We are here to share with you some key points regarding the LI 11 acupuncture point so that when you come to us, you have a basic idea.
Read moreDigestive problems, such as diarrhoea, constipation, acid flux, and the annoying bloating, can significantly impact the quality of your life. Living with digestive issues is not pretty as it may hinder you from enjoying your life the way you want to. Sure, modern medicines offer various treatments and medications for dealing with digestive problems but many people turn to complementary, natural therapies like acupuncture for relief.
Read moreRecently, acupuncture has gained significant recognition worldwide because of its
effectiveness in managing musculoskeletal disorders and Acubody is at the forefront.
Whilst this is an ancient practice, people often overlook acupuncture in favour of
modern medicine. However, the times are changing and more people are seeking
natural ways to gain relief from musculoskeletal pain and discomfort.
Millions worldwide are affected with insomnia. Whilst modern medicine offers relief, people seek natural, alternative approaches to gain restful slumber. This is where acupuncture comes to rescue. This is an ancient practice with roots in TCM and it has gained recognition all over the world for its potential to alleviate insomnia and boost overall well-being.
Read moreAcupuncture has gained worldwide recognition due to its holistic approach to health. One of the most significant reasons people turn to acupuncture is to improve their digestive health.
Read moreDepression is a debilitating and widespread condition characterised by persistent feelings of loss of interest, sadness, and changes in sleep and appetite. Whilst traditional medications are usually prescribed to cope with depression, these medications have their side effects and often do more harm than good. This is why many individuals seek alternative or complementary therapies for relief.
Read moreAre you suffering from foot pain? Is plantar fasciitis getting you down and stopping you from completing your daily chores? Do not let discomfort hold you back from an active life!
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