What Kind of Gym Class or Health Program Should I Start?


There are so many different types of fitness classes and health programs to choose from these days. And there are also so many things to consider when trying to find the right one for yourself. 

Ultimately, the best class for your personality depends a lot on your goals and what you want to get out of your time. However, below are some of the most popular options around today to get you thinking about what you may or may not want to do.

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6 Out-of-the-Box Ways to Destress

National Stress Awareness Day

Stress can be good for you, but it can also be very bad. It can keep you engaged and improve performance during important work or social activities, however, if not managed properly it can lead to serious physical and mental health issues. 

With National Stress Awareness Day almost here, we explore some out-of-the-box ways you can destress so that stress only plays a positive role in your life.

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How to Keep Exercise Up So Stress Stays Low in Colder Weather

International Stress Awareness Week

It’s cold outside and your daily or weekly run is probably becoming much less appealing. Or even if it’s just a matter of travelling to your gym where you can exercise indoors, we understand that finding the motivation gets harder as chillier days arrive and days get darker.

Nevertheless, maintaining some kind of an exercise regime in winter is crucial for fighting off colds and viruses, staying fit, and, importantly, keeping your stress levels low. 

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Tips on Managing Negative Feelings During Your Fertility Journey

fertility acupuncture in London

There are a lot of negative feelings that can creep in during your fertility journey. And depending on the individual or couple, the severity and impact on overall mood can vary. 

Many will describe the feeling of guilt or shame, while others will suffer from frustration and anger. Essentially, it’s all normal, but being able to identify and manage these feelings is important for the health and wellbeing of you and those around you. 

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Key Takeaways from Going Sober In October

Sober For October

If you’ve recently completed a month of sobriety this October (and even if you haven’t), it’s a great time to remind ourselves of the several benefits that come with life without alcohol.

Reduced Health Risks from Heavy Drinking

If you’ve made an active effort to not drink, or just to drink less, there’s a reduced chance of you “over drinking” and consuming large volumes that can actually be damaging to your body. For instance, sessions of heavy drinking can increase your risk of the following:

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2021

This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2021 and is being used to promote the fact that women should go for a medical check-up even if they have no symptoms, because “it might save your life”.

Early signs of breast cancer can be a lump in a breast, a painful breast or armpit, or a discharge from the nipple. A doctor will usually perform a manual examination and send the patient for a mammogram. This is painless and only takes about ten minutes.

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What Is Migraine Awareness Week?

Awareness of migraines and how debilitating they can be for those who suffer from them has increased, but there is still much confusion about this condition in society today. And for those whose lives are massively disrupted by the onset of a painful migraine, the frustration of people not fully realising its severity can add to the overall discomfort felt. 

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