Chinese Acupuncture London

Have you been experiencing unexplained pain or other symptoms? Have doctors and other practitioners been unable to explain, diagnose or offer treatment options?

Chinese acupuncture is a unique approach to treatment with a rich history. We don’t just try to treat the symptoms but the body as a whole. This is because we know how difficult and isolating it can be to manage a debilitating illness independently. 

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Why Acupuncture Can Help Treat Complex Conditions


As a London acupuncturist, we often see clients who come to us as a last resort. It’s the last resort because they have previously tried other approaches to treat their complex and multiple conditions with little or no success.

According to one study, the number of people with multiple health concerns is growing, with 1 in 3 of those admitted to hospital as an emergency having 5+ more conditions. 

A complex condition is defined as a long-lasting health issue that significantly impacts a person’s quality of life. 

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How to Find Your Acupuncture Practitioner

Acupuncture London

Acupuncture is only scary when you’re not working with professionals who know how results can be achieved safely and effectively. This is why finding a good practitioner should be a priority for anyone who wants to explore the world of acupuncture. 

As well as being dangerous, seeking help from someone who isn’t qualified could result in negative experiences that prevent you from accessing the real benefits that this treatment method has to offer. In this post, we explore what you should look for when searching for a specialist of acupuncture treatment in London

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Will More People Look to Acupuncture to Cope with Anxiety?


Many are understandably concerned about the rising levels of anxiety in the UK since the pandemic started. Recent figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show us that the equivalent of 19 million adults in Great Britain report high levels of anxiety.

With this growing threat, it’s natural that many individuals and families are looking for ways to improve well-being and strengthen their ability to cope with the significant amount of disruption they face all too often these days

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Should Myofascial Release Treatment be Part of Your New Year Health Regime?

myofascial treatment

The last few months have been tough on many people. As well as the usual stress of the holiday season, many of our lives have been severely disrupted by the pandemic once again. 

It’s not unusual if you’re starting to feel some additional pains and niggles in your body that weren’t there before, or, if existing tightness or soreness in your neck, shoulders or back have been exacerbated this winter — requiring some kind of relief.

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Acupuncture Treatment in London

Acupuncture treatment is an ancient Chinese therapy where specific acupuncture points are stimulated with fine needles to trigger a healing response. 

The practice is borne of the belief that energy flows through meridians in our body. This energy is also called a “life force” or Qi. 

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Myofascial Release Treatment

Myofascial Release Treatment

Do you suffer from chronic lower back pain? Do you ever get tightness and soreness down your neck, shoulders and back? Perhaps, you’ve tried a range of therapies and medicines to ease the pain without success. At Acubody, we specialise in complex muscular and nerve conditions that have not responded well to other kinds of treatment. 

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3 Winter Self-Care Tips to Support Men’s Health

Men's Health Awareness Month

It can be easier for bad habits to settle in when it’s winter. Fatigue, lack of motivation, or lazy eating habits can all have an impact on our well-being. 

While it’s natural to adjust your lifestyle as seasons change, it’s important that this change comes with an appropriate amount of self-care too. 

In aid of men’s health awareness month, we offer a few tips on how to look after yourself as we embrace winter this year. 

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