Some Of The Reasons That We Recommend Yoga

At Acubody, we have years of experience in the use of acupuncture and Chinese herbs, together with massage treatments, in order to relieve pain, resolve stress and anxiety, cure problems associated with posture and more. Using this combination of techniques, we can create a programme of rehabilitation for most issues.

One of the things that we recommend to people who are interested is yoga. Although I am not a qualified yoga teacher, and therefore do not teach it, yoga is something that I practice myself for several reasons. It is a practice that stems from ancient India, and it helps the body to become more flexible while at the same time strengthening the muscles and tendons. It helps to focus the mind and improve awareness of the body, and it also releases stress.

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Men’s Health Week 2021

Men’s Health Week this year runs from June 14th to June 21st and includes the CAN DO Challenge on the Monday through to the Friday, there being five ways to wellbeing and the five days of the week.

Everyone’s mental health has been challenged by the pandemic and the resultant lockdowns, and although it is hoped that the worst of it is over, there is still cause for concern. There is a wide gap between the high number of men who die from suicide and those who look for treatment for anxiety and depression. There has also been a large rise in youth unemployment and young men at school and university have been hit with home-schooling.

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The Importance Of Nutrition And Hydration For Health

We all know that nutrition is important for our bodies. Eating junk food does us no good, and is linked to obesity, depression, digestive issues, heart disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and early death. It can also lead to loss of memory and learning problems, and inadequate growth and development of children.

Equally, eating the right foods and drinking alcohol in moderation also improve our overall health, and this is why we now have Nutrition and Hydration Week each year, in 2021 taking place from June 14th to June 20th

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Acupuncture treatment for pain relief after an injury

Modern medicine is routinely viewed as the only way to deal with ailments and injuries. We often overlook alternative therapies. However, this is slowly changing with more people, increasingly adopting holistic treatments to manage pain and injuries.

Holistic treatments refers to forms of therapy that address the human body as a whole and not just as the disease affecting it. These forms of treatment work on the mind, body, and spirit, to encourage mental and physical well-being.

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6 Alternative Remedies for Reducing Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety is an emotion that everyone has experienced but some people find it harder to control their worries than others, with feelings of unease and fear affecting much of their daily lives. This can either come in waves when triggered by certain events or circumstances, or could simply be a lifetime struggle for an individual with a recognised anxiety or panic disorder. 

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5 Ways to Support Knee Rehabilitation Treatment

Knee pain is common for many people. Whether it’s because of older age or simply because you participate in a sport that puts added strain on this part of your body, it’s a troublesome problem for many. In the worst cases, surgical intervention is needed in the form of a knee replacement. 

Fortunately, there are ways to support your knee and prevent further damage and pain. We explore what these are and outline some tips and strategies for avoiding more serious treatments and surgeries. 

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Understanding the Role of Trigger Points in Sports Injuries

Acupuncture Treatment for Back Pain in London

Many people come through our doors because of recent sports injuries and high impact collisions, as well as lingering niggles in the body that have occurred due to years of repetitive movement and strain on the joints. 

Injuries come in all shapes and sizes and can impact only a single part of the body, or a collection of muscles. Contributing factors can involve not warming up appropriately, poor form or accidental collision. 

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When Is the Best Time to Try Alternative Fertility Treatments?

Acupuncture is a popular natural fertility treatment to support conception. It can be used as an alternative method to more costly treatments like IVF or used alongside them. It can also be used as a way to improve conception in the early stages of parents wanting to have a baby, or integrated into a holistic health treatment plan combining herbal medicine, nutritional counselling and even bodywork techniques.

In short, there’s no specific time that acupuncture should be used to improve fertility, but we discuss this topic in a little more detail to help you decide when it might benefit your own pregnancy plan.

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How Do Chinese Herbs Actually Work? A Holistic Approach to Health

What is known as Chinese herbal medicine has been used for centuries both with China and in many other Asian countries. Today, you’ll find some of the practices and principles of this herbal therapy in places far beyond its place of origin.

Recently, many Western countries like the UK have embraced herbal therapy and are learning to approach health and bodily improvement in a more holistic way, based on ancient medicinal treatments that have long been used to address specific health concerns as well as strengthen and protect the body as a whole.

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