Youth Mental Health Day 2021

There’s no denying that young people’s lives have been drastically disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though classes have resumed and many students have been able to move forward in their education careers, there have been many missed opportunities and activities over the last few years.

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5 Ways to Reduce Post-Workout Muscle Pain

Sometimes, post-workout muscle pain, or “delayed onset muscle soreness” (DOMS), isn’t much to worry about. Many individuals also see this as a positive sign that their activities are having an effect on their bodies and look forward to the increased strength and/or size when muscles have completely recovered. 

However, if you’re getting back into exercising; have increased your workout intensity, frequency, or length; or simply suffer more than others when it comes to muscle soreness, you might be looking for ways to reduce its impact. 

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How to Avoid Running Injuries

Running has always been a popular activity for both people looking to get (or stay) fit, as well as amateur athletes supplementing other sports with running for cardio exercise. However, the amount of running-related injuries is often high, such as hamstring issues, shin splints and stress fractures.

This suggests that there is still a gap in basic knowledge related to running healthily and avoiding damage through dangerous running techniques and approaches. Below are some things you can do to run injury-free.

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6 Health and Wellness Tips for Summer

pebbles balanced, representing balance under gravity

Many of us are relieved that summer is finally here, however it does also come with its fair share of challenges. Whether it’s a pack social calendar you’re having to keep up with, increased levels of pollen triggering your hay fever, or the fact that you’ve kick-started your fitness regime again and are already feeling exhausted, it’s important to realise that you should also be proactively looking after your mental health and overall wellbeing during what can be a very demanding time of the year on our bodies.

Here are some of our recommended tips and pointers for keeping on top of things during summer months. Even if you’re only incorporating a few, it can still make a big difference to your health and wellbeing!

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Trouble Sleeping? 5 Better Sleep Tips for Summer

Sleep can be a luxury sometimes. Various circumstances in our life can make it harder to get a good night’s rest, as well as age changing the way our bodies work, both during the day when we’re active but also when it comes to the evening and we try to wind down.

One of the biggest problems of this is that sleep is a cornerstone of good health, for physical and emotional. A few bad nights can trigger chain reactions that leave you feeling pretty rubbish, and wondering what it is that’s getting you down so much. 

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What to Do When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

Many of us have simply gotten used to a different pace of life over the last couple of years. And while the prospect of new freedoms and opportunities arrive along with summer, it can all be a bit overwhelming too.

There’s no denying that we’re still living through some quite strange and unsettling times, and every now and then it’s important to introduce some self-care activities into your life to help you keep on top of things. Below are a few ideas you can try if things are seeming a bit too much.

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Managing Tendon Injuries after a Sports Injury?

Tendon injuries are incredibly common both for athletes and people who go to the gym or exercise in other ways regularly. This can be known as tendinopathy or tendinitis, however, you may be suffering from a niggle or ache without realising exactly what it is and what’s causing it.

We explore a few things about tendon injuries, including how you can identify them and ways you can treat them so you can get back on form.

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When Is The Summer Solstice And What Does It Mean?

Many people are confused by the term “summer solstice”, but actually all it means is the longest day of the year, and it occurs on either June 20th, 21st, or 22nd each year. This year it is/was (depending upon when you are reading this) June 21st when the UK has 16 hours and 38 minutes of daylight. Yes, the sun rises at 4.52am and sets at 9.26pm.

Geographically speaking, the summer solstice is the point at which the earth’s axis is at its’ maximum inclination towards the sun and is directly above the Tropic of Cancer. It is the point at which the sun’s path stops moving northward in the sky and begins to return the other way resulting in the days becoming shorter as we progress towards the winter solstice, which this year is on Monday December 21st. Then we have just 7 hours and 50 minutes of daylight.

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