Can Acupuncture Help with Fertility?

Fertility acupuncture London

Problems with conceiving can not only be frustrating but devastating. Fertility can often be an uncomfortable subject without any prominent presentation until the issues emerge. The causes and severity of fertility can vary widely between individuals. Common problems are often related to hormonal imbalances, inflammation and cervical disease. However, though modern medicine has learned a great deal about the causes of infertility, for 1 in 4 couples, the cause cannot be identified. 

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Trigger Point Therapy in London: Introduction

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point is a massage therapy that aims to activate the nervous system and muscles. 

The nervous system is a highly complex network of cells that carry signals from the brain to the rest of the body. This system is responsible for telling our body when we are in pain. The purpose of trigger point therapy is to reset areas of muscle that are sending pain signals. First, a trigger area is pinpointed to work on. These are areas of pain often caused by injury or chronic strain. Then, through trigger point stimulation, blood is pushed into the muscle and waste is pushed out. The molecules moved out of the muscle signal to the nervous system that the area is now at rest. Thus, counteracting the pain response.

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5 Non- Invasive Ways to Help With Addiction

5 ways to help with addiction

When it comes to addiction, there is a lot of shame and guilt that comes along with it. Many people feel like they are the only ones struggling, and that they have to deal with their addictions on their own. This isn’t true. There are many ways to get help for your addictions, and you don’t have to go through it alone.

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Acupuncture for Postoperative Pain

acupuncture for postoperative pain

Have you recently had an operation and are experiencing pain? You may, for example, have been discharged from the hospital with a treatment plan that includes exercise and physiotherapy to help you recover.

You may also have been offered pain relief. However, you may find some relief from postoperative pain by having acupuncture. 

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Acupuncture To Treat Fibromyalgia

Acupuncture London

Sometimes referred to as FMS (fibromyalgia syndrome), it is a long-term and complex condition that can cause sufferers much pain and distress. 

At this Chinese medicine clinic in London, we see fibromyalgia patients who experience symptoms including poor sleep, anxiety, pain, headaches, stiff muscles and tiredness. There is some evidence to suggest that 66% to 99% of fibromyalgia patients are encouraged to try acupuncture to relieve their distress and discomfort, exceptionally when pharmaceutical treatments do not provide sufficient relief. 

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