Account of treatment with acupuncture for knee pain in one patient including a discussion of the biomechanics leading to knee problems in patients with back problems.
Account of treatment with acupuncture for knee pain in one patient including a discussion of the biomechanics leading to knee problems in patients with back problems.
This case study summarises a course of treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. The aim is to show the workings of the diagnosis and development of treatment for other practitioners and so patients can understand what to expect.
Discussion of the treatment of a woman suffering from severe pre menstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms and heavy menstrual bleeding.
A case study of one persons treatment with acupuncture for pain in the sacroiliac SIJ region, lower back pain at the base of the spine.
Tennis elbow is the name given to pain around the lateral elbow, and sometimes equated with the term lateral epicondylitis. Tennis elbow however is a colloquial term and is used for lateral elbow pain generally, most sufferers in fact hardly ever play tennis at all!!
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