Acupuncture, Bodywork, Chinese Medicine, Pilates & Qigong Coaching
At Acubody we focus on finding the hidden causes of your problems, and finding the path away from them.
We use a range of techniques, hands on and movement based, including acupuncture and herbal medicine, Pilates and Qigong.
Duncan is available for 1:1 consultation and treatment in Holborn using Acupuncture Myofascial Release and Neuromuscular rehabilitation.
Bridget is available for 1:1 studio teaching, online reformer sessions, and consultation on a wide variety of problems. Please contact her to schedule an appointment.
Duncan & Bridget can also help you through an online program where you can learn how to use Qigong, somatic exercises, and neuromuscular retraining. to work through and solve your own health issues wherever you are in the world
Location and Pricing information
The Acubody Team
Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Bodywork & Movement Therapy can help you in some way.
Perhaps with a problem you have, to optimise your health, or support your physical training.
Care for your body and balance your mind. Move away from pain, stiffness and dysfunction towards a calmer, embodied, centred you.
Common conditions we see regularly in the clinic or the studio:
Menstrual irregularity, fertility, period pain
Postural issues, sports injuries, headaches, RSI & pain
Stress, anxiety, insomnia & fatigue disorders.
Digestive, auto-immune & EENT problems.
Acubody therapies integrate Chinese Medicine with an up to date understanding of myofascial anatomy and postural dysfunction, biomechanics and movement training.
Employing the Chinese medicine systems of acupuncture and herbal medicine to deliver you optimal care. We always see the person as a unique individual and listen to your needs, we blend the approaches used specifically for your care.
Acupuncture, Bodywork, Chinese medicine, and Pilates training.
call 020 3823 6888 or email acubody therapies
Acupuncture, bodywork, movement and herbal medicine for health promotion, treatment for pain and injury, rehabilitation, stress management, healing and well being.