Prices for Acubody Therapies in London
Acupuncture, Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular Therapy, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Pilates & Movement Training.
See below for block booking options which help us to plan your therapy and bring down your per session rate.
Prices |
Duncan |
Bridget |
1 hour |
£110 |
£80 |
¾ hour |
£85 |
– |
½ hour |
£60 |
– |
90 min |
£160 |
£120 |
Block 3 hrs |
£300 |
– |
Block 4 hrs |
£390 |
– |
Block 6 hrs |
£570 |
£380 |
Block 10 hrs |
£900 |
£740 |
Duncan McGechie
Bridget Montague
Notice of appointment cancellation must be recieved not less than 24 hours in advance or the full fee will be charged.
Please ask about options which may be possible if you are a student, pensioner, public service worker. If you are personal trainer, yoga pilates or martial arts instructor or a health professional, ask about our affiliates scheme.
All therapies or combinations are priced the same according to time for simplicity, Acupuncture, Bodywork, myofascial, sports massage, shiatsu, trigger point therapy, neuromuscular therapy or tui na.
A Chinese herbal consultation alone is slightly cheaper since the the herbs have a cost additional to the treatment.
Chinese herbal medicine can also be prescribed along with acupuncture or bodywork treatment with no additional consultation charge, though the herbs themselves have a cost.
Please note that blocks will be valid for twelve months from the purchase date.