TCM, or Traditional Chinese Medicine, identifies the acupuncture point known as HT 6, or Yinxi, as being key in controlling symptoms that may have arisen from Heart Yin deficiency.
On the Heart meridian, the HT 6 acupuncture point is known for treating conditions like night sweats and hot flashes that occur as a result of an imbalance within the body’s thermoregulation system.
Role of HT 6 in TCM
HT 6 is classified as a Xi-Cleft point, which has a direct impact on acute or severe conditions involving its associated organ system, such as the Heart. According to TCM, the Heart is associated with the regulation of emotions, circulation of blood, and the spirit. Yin deficiency within the Heart can cause heat symptoms, such as night sweats, palpitations, or insomnia.
In an effort to nourish Heart Yin and clear excess heat, Acubody’s practitioners stimulate HT 6. This balance may then help to alleviate such distressing symptoms as night sweats and hot flashes that are so common in women during menopause.
Night Sweats and Hot Flashes: The TCM Perspective
Night sweats and hot flashes are usually caused by the imbalance of Yin-Yang; the cooling energy of Yin can’t balance the warming effect of Yang. This hormonal shift, especially during menopause, may cause this phenomenon, but it also could happen to anyone under pressure, suffering from a chronic illness, or recuperating from overexertion.
HT 6 is used as a focused treatment for cooling the body and balancing inner energy. When combined with other points, such as KD 7 (Kidney meridian), the effects are amplified for systemic heat regulation and deeper replenishment of Yin energy.
Benefit from Acubody’s Integrative Approach
As is in Acubody, TCM principles are adapted by current therapeutic techniques to better ensure the holistic care provided. In the case of the patient experiencing night sweat and hot flashes, protocols include the HT 6 acupuncture point; at the same time, it involves dietary advice or herbs for symptomatic improvement besides balancing the root of causation.
Contact Us to Restore Balance and Comfort
HT 6 acupuncture is one of the safest, most natural, and most effective ways of treating night sweats and hot flashes. It addresses the root problem of Yin deficiency and brings both physical relief and a stepping stone to balance and wellness. Our practitioners stimulate this acupuncture point as part of a personalised acupuncture point prescription to ensure you enjoy renewed comfort and vitality whilst being prepared to handle changes in your life.