At Acubody, we have years of experience in the use of acupuncture and Chinese herbs, together with massage treatments, in order to relieve pain, resolve stress and anxiety, cure problems associated with posture and more. Using this combination of techniques, we can create a programme of rehabilitation for most issues.
One of the things that we recommend to people who are interested is yoga. Although I am not a qualified yoga teacher, and therefore do not teach it, yoga is something that I practice myself for several reasons. It is a practice that stems from ancient India, and it helps the body to become more flexible while at the same time strengthening the muscles and tendons. It helps to focus the mind and improve awareness of the body, and it also releases stress.
For these reasons, although I do not teach yoga, I do use some of the techniques as exercises for my clients.
There are many different forms of yoga, and the most common in Britain is Hatha yoga, which is the physical type of yoga most commonly associated with the term in the West. Other types of Yoga take a much more still and meditative form. Hatha begins with breath-controlled exercises called pranayama, which are followed with a series of asanas (yoga postures), which are synchronised with the breath, challenging balance, strength and flexibility. Finally, there is a savasana, which is a period of resting.
The aim of yoga is to challenge yourself physically without getting to the point where you feel overwhelmed. It helps to develop strength of mind and body, and to improve breathing. It develops self-awareness and concentrates on your body’s abilities at that point in time. Another word that is used is mindfulness, which is defined as “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations”.
Yoga has also been found to relieve stress in the mind, which is something from which many people have been suffering since the beginning of the pandemic. It can also help you to lose weight. Researchers found that people who practiced yoga for at least 30 minutes once a week for at least four years, gained less weight during middle adulthood, and that those who were overweight at the beginning actually lost weight.
For all these reasons, and more, yoga is something that we recommend to our clients if they wish to be as healthy and peaceful as possible in an increasingly stressful world. We also provide fertility acupuncture in London for those who are trying for a baby. This has proven to have excellent results, as acupuncture promotes uterine blood flow and seems to improve follicle quality. Research suggests that acupuncture treatment for 3 months prior to IVF can double your chances of pregnancy. It also helps to reduce stress and worry, and has a calming effect on the body overall which is beneficial when you are trying to conceive.