Okay, so let’s discuss migraines. We all know how debilitating they are, those pounding headaches that simply refuse to end. Do you experience this regularly? We are sure it is ruining the quality of your life!
Here at Acubody, we hear from many clients seeking a natural solution for their migraines, and acupuncture is something we commonly investigate. Today, we’re going to concentrate on six of the main acupuncture points migraines that may provide some relief.
- Great Rushing (LIV3 Taichong)
LIV3 Taichong or Great Rushing is used to subdue rising yang which can be the root cause of migraines and headaches. This point is located on the top of the foot in the depression between the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. You can massage this point yourself to help relieve the symptoms.
This point, which sits within the webbing between your index and thumb, is traditional for headaches. We regularly suggest softly pressing and rubbing this point. It’s worth mentioning, however, that this point is usually avoided during pregnancy.
- Hall of Impression (GV24.5 or Yintang)
Between your eyebrows, where the bridge of your nose crosses your forehead, is the Yintang point or the Hall of Impression. Quite a few of us discover that gentle pressure here can ease tension headaches and migraines. It’s a soothing point, and it’s commonly used to reduce stress as well.
- Gathered Bamboo or Zanzhu (BL2):
These points are situated in the indentations at the middle end of your eyebrow. We’ve seen that applying pressure here can be particularly helpful for frontal headaches and eye strain, which often accompany migraines.
The point is behind your earlobe and it is stimulated to relieve neck and headache conditions, including migraine. It is known that softly rubbing and massaging this point loosens tension in the head and neck that can contribute to headaches and migraines.
- Zulinqi (GB41):
This point is part of the gallbladder meridian located on the dorsal side of the foot, in the depression distal to the junction of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones. Stimulating this point is effective in alleviating headaches and reducing the frequency and intensity of migraines.
A Word of Caution Before Trying Acupuncture for Migraine Relief
Although acupuncture can be a useful aid, it is not a replacement for professional medical guidance. If you get migraines frequently or severely, it’s important to speak with your GP or healthcare provider. Also, instead of trying acupuncture and acupressure yourself, come to Acubody.
We at Acubody are here to assist you with complementary treatments, but we always stress the value of an integrated approach to your health.
We think that by adding these acupuncture points migraines to your regimen, you may be able to ease those annoying migraines. Keep in mind that this is all about consistency and experimentation to see what works best for you.