Tips for Getting Back into Sports Post-Lockdown

sports injury clinic in London

Many of us have been in complete lockdown mode in recent months, or have only partaken in minimal physical sporting activities. For those of us lucky enough to have some kind of home gym set up, the impact hasn’t been so bad. 

However, there are a great many individuals who must rely on team-based sports and activities to get their fitness fix, whether that’s football, netball or even cross fit. 

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Can Chinese Medicine Help with Hayfever?

berries herbs & roots from Chinese Medicine

If you’re reading this post, you probably know the frustration of congested nasal passages and tickly noses all too well. 

Spring, despite all its benefits, brings with it a very difficult time for those who are sensitive to pollen and it can often seem that while people are rejoicing with the turn in weather and rise in average temperatures, you’re left out of the fun as you hide away from nature.

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Can Acupuncture Boost General Wellbeing?


General wellbeing can no longer be an afterthought in the world we live in. As we collectively take on more stress and uncertainty in our lives due to events we can’t control, what we used to call “normal” or “good health” is being completely redefined.

Today, being healthy and happy can require you to actively think about ways to address the concerns in your life and achieve balance, despite the many things happening all around us. At Acubody, we talk about this a lot with our clients and help them to build programs that can address certain ailments, but also boost overall wellbeing so that people feel more resilient and strong in the face of the challenges they face in daily life.

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Acubody’s Tips for Nausea Relief

Tips for Nausea Relief

Everyone feels “queasy” sometimes. Often, it can be frustratingly difficult to trace the root, while at other times it’s obvious what has caused your bout of nausea. 

For some people mild symptoms of nausea may be caused by things like morning sickness, eating certain types of foods, or mild illnesses. In more extreme situations, nausea may be an expected symptom of medical treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation. In this blog, we explore a few ideas that might help you reduce nausea.

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